
Acting for Animators Sandcastle

With the explosion of software in the digital world it's easy to lose sight of good design. Good design is not difficult, in fact it's very simple. Using the medium of podcasting I hope to provide some of the answers to basic design questions. From Powerpoint to Final Cut Pro and all things in-between, these tips will be universal and short but sweet! The Graphics Guru - Eliminating bad design one listener at a time



Hi Band

Web forms are crucial for converting visitors into regular users, particularly for web communities, e-commerce and web applications. Designing a registration or sign up form is a bit different from a sign in or login form, as a registration form is the last link between turning a visitor into a user, so the final ‘sale’ must be completed.

This showcase features creative designed login, signup and registration web forms from web companies and platforms around the world. They all exhibit usability qualities, and also have the subtle details that make a form exceptional. You’ll notice a few trends in this post, and especially pay attention to the relative simplicity and the reminders that the site is happy to see you again.

web design | graphic design | website design

When you are creating a new website you may be inspired by seeing other sites that are beautifully designed, as a designer it’s a must to know the current trend, particularly in web designs there’s always new trends emerging quite often. Color is an important aspect of web design. Good web designers choose color carefully to serve a purpose. Orange is a high energy color that can evoke mental activity and bring on cheerful thoughts. Take a look at the this websites gallery to see how orange color is used to create some unique web designs.